Internal practice :
- Medical Interview and physical examination
- Health check-up and screening
- Ultrasound and color Doppler, 3/4 D, upper and lower abdominal organs, arteries and veins (eg carotid )
- Endocrinological advice and thyroid ultrasound
- ECG (electrocardiogram)
- Blood glucose monitoring and diabetes counseling
- Blood pressure measurement and blood pressure control
- Patient care in the clinic to normal - or ICU
- Home visits
- Vaccinations and Travel Medicine
- EOPYY prescription
Gynecological Practice:
- Medical Interview and screening of the genital system and breast
- Gynecologic ultrasound and color Doppler , 3/ 4 D
- Obstetric ultrasound and color Doppler , 3/ 4 D
- Ultrasound and color Doppler of the breast and lymph nodes
- Antenatal care and childbirth in the hospital
- Infertility counseling
- Menopause ounseling
- Youth consultation
- Colposcopy with biopsy if necessary
- CTG ( cardiotocography )
- Surgery is performed in the clinic for either outpatients or inpatients
- EOPYY prescription